Super September & Opaque October

Hi Everyone! 
Well it appears I missed September altogether. Ha! The blog was lonely, so I will allow September to cuddle up with October, and mesh them together.  

September was a fun and busy month. Our weather was still spectacular, allowing us a couple more days of boating and sunshine, and several more motorcycle rides.  

We rode to the annual "Oyster Run" in Anacortes WA. This is the largest motorcycle run in the Pacific Northwest. 

These 3 crazies are known as the "Triplets" My two great friends, (from left to right) Joy, Craig, and of course me.  

Just a glimpse of a couple blocks of bikes at the Oyster Run. Many more blocks in either direction, FUN! 

Oh, and speaking of fun.... check this out. The Seattle Cossacks. Do not try this at home.  

It was necessary to finish this trip off with a little wine tasting in Winthrop WA 

Yes, that's what wine will do to you :)  

October, well what can I say about October. Blah! Fall is here. However it does produce beautiful colors. I'm not a fan of the cold therefore, I may need relocate for the winter (dreaming). Although in all seriousness, it will be good for my writing. Staying in with hot steamy cocoa all cozy in my office. 

My writing continues on a daily basis. I find the challenge of balancing writing and creating new poems, with putting my next book together.  The latter I need to start focusing on more. Time to pull up my cowgirl boot straps! 

My heartfelt thanks go out to all of my readers for your continued support and encouragement. Without you what's the point? :) 

I will leave you with this thought and poem from my next book ~ 

Comfort ~ (Triolet) 

"I hear his voice, it speaks to me. 
It touches deep, and love I see. 
His warmth surrounds my ever cell. 
I hear his voice, it speaks to me. 
His touch undoes all my worries. 
In his chest, my face I bury. 
I hear his voice it speaks to me. 
It touches deep, and love I see." 

© All Rights Reserved P.S. Rowland 

Posted on October 17, 2014 .