Jovial January

Brrrrrrr it's a cold, blustery,  freezing my bum off kind of day. Which one of my lovely readers lives in a nice warm climate?  I'm sure you would love for me to travel your way and, hand deliver a personally signed copy of my book, would you not? Ha ha! 

Okay back to reality. I've had some fun, and I've had some sickness, but let's just focus on the fun.  

I had special little munchkins over the New Year's holiday, where we played games, cards, went bowling, learned to knit, roasted marshmallows, and ate too many delicious s'mores.. Mmmmm 

Since my last blog update I've also had the opportunity to enjoy the freezing cold weather in a more positive fashion, skiing in Penticton BC at Apex Alpine Ski Resort. 

My second book is still in the editing process.  I have learned from experience that this could be one of the longest, and hardest parts of writing, and publishing a book.  It is currently out to two different people, and on its way to two more editors for review. This in turn can result in second drafts, and changes. Once we agree on an outcome, I'll huddle in my office, and get to work again!   

I'm still working on cover design. I have in my minds eye what I would like. Working with the design team, and making the vision in my mind come out in print is always a bit challenging, but it's a fun creative process. 

I'm still holding the title close to my chest,  as I'm toying with a couple different versions.... soon to be released. To quote Ralph Waldo Emerson, "Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen". 

Thank you all for your continued support. 

Conviction (10W)

Trust in my heart
and ecstasy will
be yours forever
Posted on January 17, 2015 .