I hope this blog update finds you all happy, sassy, and well.
Last month we talked about goals. I hope you set a few, and were a little more realistic and strict with yourself than I was. The editing process is long and tedious, and yet rewarding in the end. I've received so much positive feedback, and good direction from other editors. Moving forward!
The current news in my craft is that poetry is trending in contemporary art. Love this! A piece of picture art can tell such a beautiful story. This falls in line with the form of Japanese poetry I have currently been crafting - Haiga.
Haiga is a style of visual art that incorporates the haiku form. Traditionally this form combines calligraphy with paintings. In more modern times, artists are often incorporating photography and graphic design. I see a book of Haiga in my future writings.
Amongst my goal oriented writers life, I managed to fit in a little fun. My newest grandchild is growing by leaps and bounds.
Harlow Rain
I had a little summer fun already with my other granddaughters, boating, biking and roasting marshmallows.
My mini me biker babe Adriannah
Goof balls Maizy Pepper, and Tiera Genesis
I hope you too are enjoying your summer, life, and your loved ones. Cherish it all! Until next time, read, write and be happy.