Septembers Sunshine

Hello readers and writers;

Evenings are getting cooler but the warmth and love from the sun still caress our souls here in Eastern WA. Summer is coming to an end, but activities in life and work continue to keep me busy. 

A couple of weeks ago as previously mentioned, I participated in Wenatchee's First Friday, at The Wenatchee Book Company.  It delivered a fun filled evening with wonderful people, and new found friends. I shared the spotlight with another author, Julie Zielinnski, and artist, Donnie Johnson. If you've never attended the Wenatchee First Friday Art Walk, you're missing out. Check it out soon!


P.S. Rowland and Julie Zielinski

P.S. Rowland and Julie Zielinski

I also managed to get in a motorcycle trip over the holiday weekend, to enjoy wine tasting in Canada, traveling from Osoyoos to Kelowna B.C. 

Of course my post would not be complete (haha) without a picture of my latest grandchild, and how quickly she is growing!

Miss Harlow Rain - Love her CRAZY hair.

Miss Harlow Rain - Love her CRAZY hair.


Many of you have asked if I would be hosting a signing, for the Erotic Anthology I was recently published in, entitled SkinOnSkin. Unfortunately no; I won't be receiving stock to have on hand for this purpose since I was not the author who put the collection together. However, I'd be happy to sign your copy once you've purchased on Amazon. Contact me via this website and I'd be happy to sign your copy if possible. Thank you!

Recently I had a conversation, and was asked by another writer how important I felt "form" was when writing poetry. Answer: That's up to you, there are no rules, it's your art. In older times it was more prevalent, and now it is much less so. However, if you're learning, and want to improve your craft, writing in form can be very beneficial. There's an excellent article by Rebecca Hazleton entitled Why Write in Form  I think you'll find this very helpful.

This month we have a special treat from Rob Lam, a very talented writer/poet. Thank you for your submission. I'd love to hear from other writers who'd like to see their work showcased here.


Heart, mind, body

Delicately balanced

No master, no slave

Each yearning for Truth


Joy, sorrow, love, pain

From birth to death

None are excused

From the Human condition


Our purpose to illuminate

The One Consciousness

The Heavenly Host

The One Human



Knowing, touching, feeling

An unseen world

In True Balance


Unconditional Love


As fall progresses may you enjoy the abundance of beauty all around you in living color.  

Until next time, be happy!





Posted on September 20, 2016 .