Drumroll please! Ta Da! We made it.
My third collection of poetry Simplistic Beauty is now available at Amazon, Barnes and Nobles, Google Play, iTunes, and can be ordered from your local bookstore around the world.
For my local readers, I am waiting for my shipment of books allotted for signings/launch, and for those of you who want signed copies. I am currently planning with several local venues for the book launch, and first signings of Simplistic Beauty, so stay tuned. For those of you not in the area that have asked me about getting a signed copy mailed to you, please use the "Contact" tab, and we can make arrangements.
Thank you all for your continued support, encouragement, patience and enthusiasm for this release. You guys rock!
Simplistic Beauty brings together a rich collection of poems in traditional Japanese forms, to include Haiku, Senryu and Tanka. Poetry continues to be an everyday, living part of the Japanese culture, loved and cherished by its people.