
Hello to my readership!

I do hope you are all coping as best you can during these troubled times, focusing, and being grateful for the good you can find in everyday life, inspite of the circumstances.

So many of you are teaching children from home, and I’d like to give you a poetry lesson that perhaps you can incorporate into their learning.

Following is a poem the Academy of American Poets has used on their website as one of many lessons for teachers to utilize .

Our House

Sophie Cabot Black

As the leaves turn their backs on us
And the lilac gives over to dusk, nothing
Is ever certain, not even the house, stubborn

In twilight as it outlasts the grove
It was wrestled from. Those left behind,
The oak and ancient elm, lean against each other

As if in consent. Out of dirt, out of
Some small mistake, comes the seedling;
It too has learned to watch, as we walk in and out

Of what wilderness was, and will again become,
As we enter our home, the way we enter love
Returning from elsewhere to call out
Each other’s names, pulling the door closed behind us.

Use this link to find the step by step instructions that go along with it to engage your students.

Some of you are asking for special pricing on my books for the upcoming gift giving season, and holidays, to include signed copies. I can do that!

Regular cost of my books are $15.00 each. Till the end of February, I will lower the price to $10 each, or $25 for a bundle of all three, including S&H, and my signature, within the United States only. These special priced books will come from my personal stock, normally used for events. These prices will not be available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble online, iTunes, or Google Play. To order with special pricing, please use the “contact” tab on this website with your requests.

I will leave you with a couple of poems. Until next time, be happy, stay grateful, and keep reading.

Posted on November 11, 2020 .