April/May - April National Poetry Month

Hello hello!

These moments are crazy times, not only for our nation, but worldwide. I do hope that you, and yours are staying safe, and healthy. My heart goes out to those of you, who are being severely affected.

In a time of negativity and fear, let me remind you of the joys we do have. The art of poetry being one. April is National Poetry Month. Here are 30 ways you can celebrate and enjoy.

As stated by The Academy of American Poets, “National Poetry Month in April is a special occasion to celebrate the importance of poets and poetry in our culture. In this time of uncertainty and great concern, we can rely on poems to offer wisdom, uplifting ideas, and language that prompts reflection that can help us slow down and center mentally, emotionally, spiritually. As so many are teaching and working from home, we’ve adapted this list to help you celebrate National Poetry Month 2020 at home and in the virtual classroom.” Let’s find joy in a few precious ways we can.

Also this month holds the very fun activity of “Poem in Your Pocket Day” Poet.org explains it best when they state, “Poem in Your Pocket Day takes place every year on a day in National Poetry Month. On this day, select a poem, carry it with you, and share it with others at schools, bookstores, libraries, parks, workplaces, street corners, and on social media using the hashtag #pocketpoem. The 2020 Poem in Your Pocket Day will take place on Thursday, April 30.

Poem in Your Pocket Day was initiated in April 2002 by the Office of the Mayor in New York City, in partnership with the city's Departments of Cultural Affairs and Education. In 2008, the Academy of American Poets took the initiative to all fifty United States, encouraging individuals around the country to participate. In 2016, the League of Canadian Poets extended Poem in Your Pocket Day to Canada.”

Please stay home, stay safe, and crack open a book or two.

Until next time, xo

Posted on April 10, 2020 .