“Animated August”

Hello my friends!

The flurry of August has jumped in with two feet, and rushed right past me. 

This was a busy time for our household. Filled with friends, family, tiny “I love you grandma” voices, food, wine, laughter, and joy. 

Since August 1st we’ve had the privilege of overnight guests every weekend. We've enjoyed the activities of the Omak Stampede, and World Famous Suicide Race. 

In addition to all that excitement we experienced two haboobs! Now that was a first! 

The rest of the month continued in this pattern.

My writing is pushing forward. My second book is taking on a life of it’s own. Slowly morphing into a theme of emotions, which for me has been very revealing. With each realization comes more excitement.

Stay tuned, and keep cool in this heat, and unpredictable summer weather…. and most importantly,  never let the passion die. 
Posted on September 4, 2014 .