"Willow Dreams" by Timothious Clayton Smith

I am pleased to introduce Timthious Clayton Smith, a talented writer, and poet. He has submitted a lovely poem, I would like to showcase this month. You can read more of his work at Poems by Timothious

Timothious Clayton Smith was born in North Kansas City, Missouri. Timothious and his brothers were often read to by their mother. And although their mother tried to read the normal children's books, they craved more, resulting in being read to from whatever she was currently reading. This meant bedtime stories where normally something from Edgar Allen Poe or the like. 

Willow Dreams
By Timothious

Oaken embers glow in the hearth
The smell of beechnut flavored beer
Dogwoods flower and perfume the earth
And what do Willows dream, dear?

They dream to be women
To have their beauty and grace
To lure to taunt and lures of men
But most of all to have your face.

They dream of your fair skin
Of drinking deep the pools of your eyes
Of the looks you bring from men
Even your sorrows, your tears and cries

They dream of being like you 
They wish for your smile 
And even your beauty true
Your nose, your lips and to laugh just awhile

They dream of your hair 
How they wish it could be 
They would grow it long with care
So for the beauty of all to see

But they know it cannot be 
So, they wait by the stream
And let their dreams flow to the sea
But of only you do they dream

Posted on September 8, 2014 .