Beautiful Day For "Art in the Park"

Good Morning to my readership!!

I have coffee, and a protein bar in hand, browsing through the pictures from my most recent event, "Art in the Park". It's a great community weekend full of artists of all kinds; writers, painters, crafters, dancers, muscians etc. Also a great opportunity to visit with those you haven't seen in a long time.  So good to see you!!

Here are some highlights. Thanks to all who stopped by, visited, gave out hugs, and purchased a book. Love you all!

See you soon! 


"Lost within herself,

he finds her in his heart.

She struggles to get out,

he's loved her from the start.  

She's shattered deep within,

he wants to fix her soul.

 She's picking up the pieces,

so he can make her whole"


© All Rights Reserved P.S. Rowland



Posted on June 25, 2015 .

June Is Upon Us

Hello Everyone!

I do hope you're enjoying this warmer than usual weather. Looks as though we are off to a great start of summer.

I want to share with you a little glimpse of the launch of my second collection of poetry "Cut Both Ways". It was a truly wonderful, fab day!  It's off and running, thanks to all of you loyal readers. Here are a few highlights.


I want to thank all of you for coming to support this event, and my writing career. Love you all!!

I have an event coming up this Saturday in Omak WA. 

Come see me! I'll be doing sales and signing at Art in the Park, Omak Civic League Park on the corner of Central and Ash, on Saturday, June 20, 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Come and enjoy arts, crafts and more!


Until next time....


Your gift of love 


the best gift she owns

©All Rights Reserved P.S. Rowland

Posted on June 18, 2015 .

Wonderful Conference and Upcoming Event

I'm coming down off the high of a great WOTR conference in May. Wonderful information, terrific presenters, and a lovely party and book signing for the evening after.  Living in a rural area like I do, I feel very fortunate that we have this top notch organization for writers, to help us learn, hone our skills, and network together. 

Here's a few highlights for you.

I spy one of my books at the bookstore counter


Only 4 more days to the official launch and signing of my second book of poetry "Cut Both Ways" Hope to see you there!!!

Posted on June 2, 2015 .

May Madness

May slides into our lives with the beauty it deserves. Color abounds, fragrances lure us outdoors, and our lives become a bit more busy. Energy renews with the spring air, and lightens our spirits. 

With the launch of my new book, "Cut Both Ways" madness has also crept into my life. Fantastic madness however!  I can't thank all of you enough for your support of this very special collection of my work, and I look forward to seeing you at upcoming book signings. 

May 16, I will be attending the Write on the River (WOTR) writers conference in Wenatchee WA. Their mission, is to "foster the writing arts, sustain a vital North Central Washington writing community and nurture writers from inspiration to publication".  For more information click this link. WOTR

On Saturday night of this conference there will be a special "10th Anniversary Party" in celebration of this beautiful organization's inception. I am honored to be asked to be one of the authors autographing books this evening. I will have both of my books available. 

May many blessings come your way with each day ahead.


Lost within herself,

he finds her in his heart.

She struggles to get out,

he's loved her from the start.

She's shattered deep within,

he wants to fix her soul.

She's picking up the pieces,

so he can make her whole.

© All Rights Reserved

PS Rowland


Posted on May 13, 2015 .

Upcoming Book Sale and Signing, May 2, 2015

Hello Everyone ~

I'd like to invite you to attend my next upcoming book sale and signing. It will take place at "Hastings" on May 2, 2015 from 11:00 - 3:00. Location is 315 9th St. Wenatchee WA. 98801

It is possible I may have copies of my upcoming release entitled Cut Both Ways in addition to,  Lest We Forget Life's Passion.  

Please join me for a meet and greet, great conversation, picking up a new book, and cookies. Bring a friend!

Posted on April 22, 2015 .

April Arrival

You truly are a beautiful readership, you know that? The love and support that flows from you to me is greatly appreciated! It's a mutual love affair.

I have great pleasure is finally unveiling the cover for my next collection of poetry. The release of this collection entitled "Cut Both Ways" is due to launch June 2015. (possibly sooner) Very exciting!

Let me tell you a little about the book, and also include a few reviews from advanced reader copies. 

In a relationship more often than not, both parties are not passionate people. Passionate, not necessarily in a romantic sense, but about life in general; feeling strongly about goals, interests, ideas and yes, dreams and love.  Usually one is a taker, one a giver. The old adage “opposites attract”, or do they? This collection of works will delve into the life of a relationship where both individuals are extremely artistic, intense, passionate about life, and fierce about love.

Cut Both Ways will carry you along a beautiful path of love, grief, elation, inspiration, and passion. A journey not many experience in their lifetime; delving deep within the emotions of two creative, romantic, intense, and passionate soulmates. The author demonstrates great skill, allowing the reader to feel the ecstasy, excitement, and disturbance portrayed in each poem. Stirring the desires of the heart and soul, which come into play when two beautiful souls are more than just in love, more than in a relationship, where two become one. The dynamics and intensity of these poems will transport you into a world so precious, it will take your breath away. 


"Cut Both Ways" is a living, breathing body of work that exposes true human nature. From beginning to the end, this is much more than poetry, it's an entire lifetime of the good, the bad, the sensual, and the destructive. But above all else, this collection is certainly life.

- Janice Ross, Author of Damaged Girls

One of my favorite authors. She has a way of bringing her readers into her poems and making them feel as if each poem were written for them. These poems of love can be felt deep within your soul and at times will make you cry both tears of joy and tears of sadness. A five star review!  

- Author Carl Joseph Roberts

Until next time my friends!

Excerpt from Cut Both Ways

The Thread That Binds

You’re the center of my world.
My every breath,
my every thought.
The pain I caused you
has destroyed my viscera,
along with my heart.
What you feel, I feel.
The ache that binds us together
will make us stronger.
Never have two lost souls,
been destined to search out,
find, and connect, as ours.
I will not let go.
I cannot let go.
you have wedged yourself
into my heart, and have
sewn it shut, to be there for an eternity.

© All Rights Reserved P.S. Rowland

Posted on April 17, 2015 .

Marvelous March

TA DA! We made it to spring. And what a beautiful time it is here in Eastern Washington. With scheduled highs in the 70s, sunshine, and clear skies.  

The local authors Book Buzz was a smashing time had by all. The Pybus Market was an excellent, fun, and creative venue to hold this event. I had the opportunity to meet new authors, and catch up with others that I have already had the pleasure of meeting. The support from the community was overwhelming, friendly, and many books past hands. 

This should come as no surprise at this point if you follow my blog, but YES there was wine tasting that followed! 

The month wouldn't be complete unless I had grandchildren time. Dirt biking, and nail painting. Yep, that's how we roll.

With every blog for who knows how long, I have been talking about my next collection of poetry. Cut Both Ways, Peaks & Valleys of a Passionate Relationship. Editing, proofreading, then editing, blah, blah blah. When's the darn thing coming out?

Well it's very soon. The final editing touches are being done now, and the release date should be within three months.  *High 5*!

Until then, I have found a little gem that I think you'd thoroughly enjoy.  A collection of poetry entitled Life, Love, Faith and Fun in Poetry  by Marian Adams. You'll love it.

I thank you for your continued support, and appreciation of my work, and wish the very best to you and your families.

Excerpt from Cut Both Ways ~


The caress of your words against my skin.
The feel of your love as it depends within.
The passion in your eyes as they bore through my soul.
Our inner connection is what makes me feel whole.
Your wanton desire lay bare before me.
My moans in your ear are my heartfelt plea.
The need for more as our bodies entwine.
Blending into one, I'm yours, and you're mine.
© P.S. Rowland

Posted on March 25, 2015 .

Local Authors Book Buzz!

I will be participating is a fun and lively event scheduled for this Saturday February 28th, from 11:00-1:00. If you're in the area, I would love to see you!


Pybus Market Announces
Local Authors Event Saturday, February 28 11am to 1pm

“Think Local Authors First” event will be held at Pybus Market, Saturday, February 28 from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM with 10 local authors showcasing their books, a “Book Buzz” and prizes donated by Pybus Market. This event, sponsored by A Book for All Seasons and Write On the River, is a semi-annual event at Pybus Market.

From Science Fiction and Fantasy to Regional and Children's books, you will find a book you can take home … and a chance to visit with the author.

Award winning Kay Kenyon and Trish McCallan, well-loved children author Robert Wells and first-time author Dan Gemeinhart highlight the impressive field of local writers.

“Pybus Market is about local people and local products, so this event plays wonderfully into that theme,” said Steve Robinson, executive director of Pybus Market.  “The authors event was the brainchild of author Kay Kenyon and will help showcase the enormous writing talent we have in our region,” added Robinson.  

Participating authors and their books include:

>>> Kay Kenyon: Queen of the Deep and A Thousand Perfect Things–Fantasy
>>> Dan Gemeinhart’s The Honest Truth is a moving, fast-paced adventure about a boy, his dog, and the adventure of a lifetime.
>>> Adrastus Rood offers Manly Hero, “A fun fairy-tale fantasy that should please fans of The Princess Bride,” says Kirkus Reviews.
>>> Award-winning Trish McCallan shares her latest high octane romantic thrillers including Forged in Fire, Forged in Ash, and Spirit Woods
>>> In Stan Morse’s spy thriller Goering’s Gold, an assassin must choose between the perfect cover—presumed death—or thwarting shadowy forces searching for an extraordinary cache of Nazi gold. Morse also shares his Vietnam-era coming-of-age novel, Brothers of Summer.
>>> Liz Fountain: The Alien’s Guide to World Domination–Fiction
>>> Heather Murphy: Journal ( and Cards)–Art
>> P. S. Rowland: Lest We Forget Life’s Passion–Poetry
>>> Robert E. Wells: Can We Share the World with Tigers?–Children’s Science
>>> Paul Roberts: The Impulse Society–Current Affairs

For additional information, contact:
Steve Robinson:

Jenny Napier: 
509-741-9044 or

Mike Cattin: 

About Pybus Market

Pybus Market is built in the historic Pybus steel warehouse located next to the Columbia River at the foot of Orondo Street in Wenatchee.  The property is a year-‘round marketplace for restaurants, wine, fruit and vegetable vendors and local craftsmen. It also serves as the permanent home for Wenatchee Valley Farmer’s Market.  Pybus Market is a private-public partnership between Pybus Market Charitable Foundation, the City of Wenatchee and the Port of Chelan County.  Pybus Market opened May 11, 2013.

Posted on February 23, 2015 .

Fabulous February

Hi everyone, time for me to check in! 

I hope you've had a fabulous month filled with books, positive vibes, and love for all that is around you.  

One of the big highlights for me this month was my team went to Super Bowl!  Go Seattle Seahawks! So close, but I still stand behind my team. 

Of course being the wine lover that I am, it became necessary to slip in a bit of tasting as well in beautiful Chelan Washington.  "Fielding Hills" was a new, wonderful surprise for us. Elegant atmosphere, friendly people, and we were greeted by three sweet dogs as we entered the winery.  They kept coming back checking on us throughout our tasting process, it was lovely!  

My current manuscript has passed through the hands of 3 beta readers, and is now settled in with my publisher.  I've been working with two graphic designer's for the cover. I think for me this is the toughest part of the whole process, trying to relate my vision to someone else, in order to make the perfect cover.  

Many have been asking what the title of my next book with be, well here it is! Are you ready? Well are you?!  

The title of my up coming release is  

Cut Both Ways 

Peaks & Valleys 
of a 
Passionate Relationship  
Expressed Through 

© P.S. Rowland

In between working on my current book, I have started my third!  So the writing continues! 

Signing off, I wish the best to all of you, never stop reading, never stop dreaming, and never stop believing in yourself. 

Gravity - 10W

His love fell 
from his eyes
deep into
my soul

© P.S. Rowland
Posted on February 13, 2015 .

Knit Together - Triolet A Poem

Love me, held tight against your chest.
Pressed to your soul I want to rest.
With your gentle touch, kiss me now.
Love me, held tight against your chest.
Eternity is ours my love.
You are my hat, I am your glove.
Love me, held tight against your chest.
Pressed to your soul I want to rest.

© All Rights Reserved P.S. Rowland

Posted on January 20, 2015 .