Jovial January

Brrrrrrr it's a cold, blustery,  freezing my bum off kind of day. Which one of my lovely readers lives in a nice warm climate?  I'm sure you would love for me to travel your way and, hand deliver a personally signed copy of my book, would you not? Ha ha! 

Okay back to reality. I've had some fun, and I've had some sickness, but let's just focus on the fun.  

I had special little munchkins over the New Year's holiday, where we played games, cards, went bowling, learned to knit, roasted marshmallows, and ate too many delicious s'mores.. Mmmmm 

Since my last blog update I've also had the opportunity to enjoy the freezing cold weather in a more positive fashion, skiing in Penticton BC at Apex Alpine Ski Resort. 

My second book is still in the editing process.  I have learned from experience that this could be one of the longest, and hardest parts of writing, and publishing a book.  It is currently out to two different people, and on its way to two more editors for review. This in turn can result in second drafts, and changes. Once we agree on an outcome, I'll huddle in my office, and get to work again!   

I'm still working on cover design. I have in my minds eye what I would like. Working with the design team, and making the vision in my mind come out in print is always a bit challenging, but it's a fun creative process. 

I'm still holding the title close to my chest,  as I'm toying with a couple different versions.... soon to be released. To quote Ralph Waldo Emerson, "Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen". 

Thank you all for your continued support. 

Conviction (10W)

Trust in my heart
and ecstasy will
be yours forever
Posted on January 17, 2015 .

Decisive December


I hope this finds everyone warm, happy, and reading!  We're still having fairly livable weather, with only a few days of snow so far. Although it proclaims so much beauty, I'm dreaming of beaches.

I had the privilege of reading my work at "Four Minutes of Fame" in Wenatchee WA. organized by the "Write on the River" organization. It was a beautiful, fun venue, with many talented people. There was such a wide variety of readings, from memoirs, fiction, screenplays, and poetry. Truly a lovely evening.

I had the wonderful opportunity to watch a dear friend's art come to life. We attended a production she had a lead part in called "The Pajama Game" Shaina Longstreet was smashing! I love to see people express themselves in the arts, doing something they love.

Time is running out so if you're still shopping for gifts, why not give the gift of reading. "Lest We Forget Life's Passion" would be perfect.  I just received another very sweet review from one of my UK readers that you can read here:

Beautiful poems, beautiful book.
By Anthony Novak on December 18, 2014
Format: Paperback Verified Purchase
I live in England and, sadly, this beautiful book of poems is not available here. After waiting for months in case it appeared in UK (I don't like Kindle versions) I ordered it from and it arrived today, just in time for Christmas. So all you UK poetry enthusiasts, go on, order it from US, it's worth the wait. The poems are brilliant and the book (I got the paperback version) is beautifully printed. Highly recommended, you will come back to it again and again.

Now, back to my corner for continued editing, editing, editing.

Warmest thoughts to you all, and I will leave you with a poem..

United - Triolet

Be the light that shines through others.
Love please give to all your brothers.
Positive vibes float all around.
Be the light that shines through others.
Soften your heart and understand.
Expand yourself and take a hand.
Be the light that shines through others.
Love please give to all your brothers.

© All Rights Reserved P.S. Rowland

Posted on December 19, 2014 .

A New Song - Triolet

Passion, heat, intenseness please give.

Press it to me, so I may live.
Rise above my body my love.
Passion, heat, intenseness please give.
Your touch I crave forever long.
Next to me as you sing our song.
Passion, heat, intenseness please give.
Press it to me so I may live. 

© All Rights Reserved P.S. Rowland

Posted on December 2, 2014 .

Nostalgic November

Dreaming of warmer weather as I type this......

Fall is officially over for us here in Eastern WA.  With temps in the low teens, and forecast for snow next week. I do believe it's time to pack the swimsuit away, and winterize our surroundings!

November has warmed my heart several times with very sweet emails from readers, which keeps me going. It's all possible through you, so thank you.

In wandering through my favorite places (book stores) I have had another reason for warmth in this cold weather. Seeing my book on shelves!

November also brings to writers a chance to write a novel in one month. November is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)  On November 1, participants begin working towards the goal of writing a 50,000-word novel by 11:59 PM on November 30. Although I do not write novels, each year I strive to reach the 50K goal. 

Learn more about NaNoWriMo . You could be the next New York Times Best Selling Author!

Exciting news! I have been invited to read my work at an event called "Four Minutes of Fame", sponsored by an organization called. "Write on the River" So it appears I will be famous for a few minutes anyway, ha!  This event is open to the public, and is being held November 20th, 2014 7:00-9:00 pm at the Upper Eastside Coffee Company, located at 1610 Grant Rd East Wenatchee WA. I look forward to meeting you if you are able to attend.  

I am happy to announce my next book is in manuscript form, and ready for the first round of editing. Progress! The title is still a secret :)

Enjoy this poem from my next book. Keep warm!!

Heat singed
my essence
from his desire
floating towards me.
© All Rights Reserved P.S. Rowland
Posted on November 19, 2014 .

Super September & Opaque October

Hi Everyone! 
Well it appears I missed September altogether. Ha! The blog was lonely, so I will allow September to cuddle up with October, and mesh them together.  

September was a fun and busy month. Our weather was still spectacular, allowing us a couple more days of boating and sunshine, and several more motorcycle rides.  

We rode to the annual "Oyster Run" in Anacortes WA. This is the largest motorcycle run in the Pacific Northwest. 

These 3 crazies are known as the "Triplets" My two great friends, (from left to right) Joy, Craig, and of course me.  

Just a glimpse of a couple blocks of bikes at the Oyster Run. Many more blocks in either direction, FUN! 

Oh, and speaking of fun.... check this out. The Seattle Cossacks. Do not try this at home.  

It was necessary to finish this trip off with a little wine tasting in Winthrop WA 

Yes, that's what wine will do to you :)  

October, well what can I say about October. Blah! Fall is here. However it does produce beautiful colors. I'm not a fan of the cold therefore, I may need relocate for the winter (dreaming). Although in all seriousness, it will be good for my writing. Staying in with hot steamy cocoa all cozy in my office. 

My writing continues on a daily basis. I find the challenge of balancing writing and creating new poems, with putting my next book together.  The latter I need to start focusing on more. Time to pull up my cowgirl boot straps! 

My heartfelt thanks go out to all of my readers for your continued support and encouragement. Without you what's the point? :) 

I will leave you with this thought and poem from my next book ~ 

Comfort ~ (Triolet) 

"I hear his voice, it speaks to me. 
It touches deep, and love I see. 
His warmth surrounds my ever cell. 
I hear his voice, it speaks to me. 
His touch undoes all my worries. 
In his chest, my face I bury. 
I hear his voice it speaks to me. 
It touches deep, and love I see." 

© All Rights Reserved P.S. Rowland 

Posted on October 17, 2014 .

Forever Yours - A Poem by Dustin Matthews

Please enjoy this lovely poem submitted by Dustin Matthews. He resides in NYC where he has the privilege of meandering around Central Park in all its glory and romance.


I stare at you from a distance.
My heart keeps you close in mind.
No matter how far away you appear,
you're always right here in my soul.
So next time you see me from afar,
know that I'm with YOU in your heart.
That's the way WE are,
when soul mates are apart.

© All Right Reserved Dustin Matthews

Posted on October 15, 2014 .

Double Nickels

Double nickels wise and true.
Complications, that make me blue.
Integrity tested throughout my soul.
It appears as though I’ve lost my goal.
Ripples of passion against my heart.
Am I headed for a brand new start?
I gaze around at all I see.
I wonder what is wrong with me.
The toll it takes is wearing me down.
I speak the words, do you hear my sound?
Thunder in his soul, as he looks at me,
rattles my cage, and then sets me free.

Posted on September 18, 2014 .

M.W.P. - A poem dedicated to my brother who lost his fight with heroin at age 46.

Today I think of you,
so many years have past.
The picture of your face,
in my mind will always last.
Such wasted years we had,
miles apart were we.
The house was filled with two,
oh I wish it had been three.
Your pain was not your own,
I shared it every day.
I’d wish that you were clean,
I hoped, I begged, and prayed.
Then one day you were gone.
The call came in the night. 
I laid in bed and cried,
till the darkness turned to light.
Each year on this day,
you’re heavy on my heart.
But one day soon I know,
you’ll have a brand new start.

I love you Mickey

Posted on September 9, 2014 .