"Willow Dreams" by Timothious Clayton Smith

I am pleased to introduce Timthious Clayton Smith, a talented writer, and poet. He has submitted a lovely poem, I would like to showcase this month. You can read more of his work at Poems by Timothious

Timothious Clayton Smith was born in North Kansas City, Missouri. Timothious and his brothers were often read to by their mother. And although their mother tried to read the normal children's books, they craved more, resulting in being read to from whatever she was currently reading. This meant bedtime stories where normally something from Edgar Allen Poe or the like. 

Willow Dreams
By Timothious

Oaken embers glow in the hearth
The smell of beechnut flavored beer
Dogwoods flower and perfume the earth
And what do Willows dream, dear?

They dream to be women
To have their beauty and grace
To lure to taunt and lures of men
But most of all to have your face.

They dream of your fair skin
Of drinking deep the pools of your eyes
Of the looks you bring from men
Even your sorrows, your tears and cries

They dream of being like you 
They wish for your smile 
And even your beauty true
Your nose, your lips and to laugh just awhile

They dream of your hair 
How they wish it could be 
They would grow it long with care
So for the beauty of all to see

But they know it cannot be 
So, they wait by the stream
And let their dreams flow to the sea
But of only you do they dream

Posted on September 8, 2014 .

“Animated August”

Hello my friends!

The flurry of August has jumped in with two feet, and rushed right past me. 

This was a busy time for our household. Filled with friends, family, tiny “I love you grandma” voices, food, wine, laughter, and joy. 

Since August 1st we’ve had the privilege of overnight guests every weekend. We've enjoyed the activities of the Omak Stampede, and World Famous Suicide Race. 

In addition to all that excitement we experienced two haboobs! Now that was a first! 

The rest of the month continued in this pattern.

My writing is pushing forward. My second book is taking on a life of it’s own. Slowly morphing into a theme of emotions, which for me has been very revealing. With each realization comes more excitement.

Stay tuned, and keep cool in this heat, and unpredictable summer weather…. and most importantly,  never let the passion die. 
Posted on September 4, 2014 .

I'm Home by Carl Joseph Roberts

I’m pleased to introduce Carl Joseph Roberts. He has submitted a lovely poem, I would like to showcase this month. 

Born, and raised just outside of Columbus, Ohio, he comes from a long family line of Police Officers, and currently is continuing on in that tradition. He also invests in homes, rehabs and re-sells them.  He has one child, his greatest accomplishment in life, who is now grown, and attending college. His grandfather introduced him to poetry, and it is now one of his biggest passions. Please support this very talented poet. You can see other works of his at http://hellopoetry.com/carl-joseph-roberts/

I’m Home

I got my own place today
And I did this without you
Turned the key and unlocked the door
And saw an empty room

The empty room reminded me
That although you won't be there
I'll have the chance to fill the room
With memories I'll hold dear

I can paint the walls in colors
Bright and pleasing to my eyes
Cover up past pain and hurt
Now knowing I'll survive

I can look out each new window
Or look in and see the view
And never see a memory
Of the times I spent with you

I will hang my pictures on the walls
And let your memory fade from view
Now rearrange my future
And allow for something new

This new place I have I will call home
Where new memories will be made
And it all began when I turned that key
As I walked in today

I'm Home

Posted on August 5, 2014 .

July Joys ~

July Joys ~

Happy steamy, hot July to you!

Here in Eastern WA we are dealing with triple digit temps, and smoke filled air due to many wildfires. 
On a personal note, my ankle is healing well. I’m now down to a small ankle support type contraption. I’ve been told I’m not the best patient in the world in terms of compliance.  Who would have known that it was a no no to start riding the Harley four days after my fracture, in addition to boating, and jet skiing…. Hmmm well OK then… good thing I survived! :)

On the writing scene, things are moving along. Magnificent creations are flowing from my psyche, filling pages upon pages of words, and thoughts, to bring out the emotions you so long to discover. I’m still trying to wrap my mind around a theme, and presentation for the whole manuscript. In time, it will reveal itself to me, and that my friends is when the fun will begin.

Have a fun filled and safe July!

Posted on July 17, 2014 .