Today I'd like to share a little about a form of poetry, which you will see in my next book. It has quickly become one of my favorite forms of poetry. Its origin is French, and it's called a Triolet. What is a triolet you ask?
As the The Academy of American Poets states, "The requirements of this fixed form are straightforward: the first line is repeated in the fourth and seventh lines; the second line is repeated in the final line. Thus, the poet writes only five original lines, giving the triolet a deceptively simple appearance.
French in origin, and likely dating to the thirteenth century, the triolet is a close cousin of the rondeau, another French verse form emphasizing repetition and rhyme. The earliest triolets were devotionals written by Patrick Carey, a seventeenth-century Benedictine monk. British poet Robert Bridges reintroduced the triolet to the English language, where it enjoyed a brief popularity among late-nineteenth-century British poets. Though some employed the triolet as a vehicle for light or humorous themes, Thomas Hardy recognized the possibilities for melancholy and seriousness, if the repetition could be skillfully employed to mark a shift in the meaning of repeated lines."
Here is an example of a triolet which will be published in my next book.
Hunger Pains - Triolet
A slice of life is not enough.
It makes us weak and not so tough.
We crave more time with ones we love.
A slice of life is not enough.
We wake and blink and all has passed.
Oh why, this life, does go so fast.
A slice of life is not enough.
It makes us weak and not so tough.
Let's play a little game! Would you like to try writing a triolet? Write a triolet and send it to me using the contact tab at the top of my website. The first 5 who submit will win a free autographed book! Ready set go!
As always I give you a heartfelt thank you for your continued support!
Stay warm, healthy and happy!