Poems Submitted by Bob Lam

I wish you could see me
The golden haired Prince
Shining in the light
Of the morning sun

I wish you could see me
Grown to manhood
Brightly illuminated
By the noon day sun

Now you see me
Battered and bruised
Shadows playing
In the fading sun



My mind, my enemy,
waging war.
My heart, my champion,
hero of my soul.
Devious mind
firing its' arrows.
Pain, sorrow,
and loss.
The heart never wavers,
shielded by hope, kindness,
and love.
The struggle eternal,
the war wages on.
My mind, my enemy
My heart, my guardian
My soul.


Thank you Bob for being so brave!

Posted on May 26, 2016 .

Marvelous May

Well, as it turns out, April showers does indeed bring May flowers!

My yard is bursting with color. Which makes it pretty wonderful to sit outside and write. My favorite office is right on my deck. 

Inquiring minds want to know how my next book is coming along. This month I've been busy with poem selection. Hours and hours, page by page, poem by poem; it's a tedious process. I also have several beta readers providing macro editing, and so the process begins. It takes time, and I'm in no rush. To be honest, it's not my favorite part of being a writer. I'd like to write, and have someone snatch it all out of my head, and then voila, it's a book! I push forward.

So tell me, how was Poem in Your Pocket Day? Did you have fun sharing a piece with others? I would love to hear your feedback. I share every day on several social media sites, however it was fun to have one tucked in my pocket and ready to share with others. 

I want to thank all of you who took advantage of the special pricing last month on my books due to National Poetry Month! It was a pleasure learning your names, and writing a little something for you. Enjoy, and again, thank you. 

Earlier this month I participated in "Wenatchee's First Fridays" - A guided tour of Wenatchee's Arts Scene. We had so much fun! 

Wenatchee Book Co. is a beautiful treasure. A special thanks to AnaMaree and Payton for having me.

This weekend I will be attending the Write On the River Conference in Wenatchee WA. It's always a WONDERFUL time. I'm really looking forward to it. 

My fifth grand baby is getting closer to her arrival. I can't wait to meet Harlow Rain! We had a fabulous baby shower the end of April, and a photo shoot of the family the following day. Very excited!

My other granddaughters are heavily into volleyball and soccer, so I'm sure next months blog will host a few pictures of those activities. 

"Just keep reading, just keep reading, just keep reading" 

Until next time I wish you all the best!



Posted on May 10, 2016 .

Appreciative April

Happy spring to all!

April is the month to appreciate the gift of poetry. April marks the 20th anniversary of National Poetry Month, which was initiated by the Academy of American Poets in 1996. Over the years, National Poetry Month has become the largest literary celebration in the world with schools, publishers, libraries, booksellers and poets celebrating poetry's vital place in our culture. * 

There are many ways to participate. Here are just a few:

  • Follow the thousands of National Poetry Month celebrations taking place using #npm16 and follow the Academy of American Poets on Twitter @POETSorg.
  • Use the new National Poetry Month logo to promote your events. It can be downloaded here.
  • Order a free National Poetry Month poster and display it proudly.
  • Invite K-12 students to participate in our Dear Poet project by writing letters in response to poems shared by the award-winning poets serving on our Board of Chancellors.
  • Attend Poetry & the Creative Mind, a celebration of poetry from the reader’s perspective featuring leading and luminary actors, artists, and public figures, on April 27, 2016, in New York City.
  • Participate in National Poem in Your Pocket Day on April 21, 2016.

Last month I asked you to select a poem that you liked, and to hang onto it. Did you find one? The reason for my request is because April 21, is "Poem in Your Pocket day"

Every April, on Poem in Your Pocket Day, people celebrate by selecting a poem, carrying it with them, and sharing it with others throughout the day at schools, bookstores, libraries, parks, workplaces, and on Twitter using the hashtag #pocketpoem. 

Poem in Your Pocket Day was originally initiated in 2002 by the Office of the Mayor, in partnership with the New York City Departments of Cultural Affairs and Education, as part of the city’s National Poetry Month celebration. In 2008, the Academy of American Poets made the initiative national, encouraging individuals across the country to join in and channel their inner bard.* 

Pick a poem for the day, and slip it in your picket, and take every opportunity throughout the day to share with someone. Enjoy and have fun! 

Last month I participated in "Four Minutes of Fame" sponsored by Write on The River. I had a fabulous time with good food and drink, and great association with fellow writers. It was wonderful to see, and hear such a variety of genre read aloud for everyone's enjoyment. 

Another highlight of my month was watching one of my granddaughters, "Tiera" play clarinet in her first 6th grade concert. She did beautifully!

Tiera standing playing clarinet

Tiera standing playing clarinet.

In harmony with National Poetry Month, I will be offering Lest We Forget Life's Passion and Cut Both Ways at a discounted price for only $10 each. Please message me with your requests, using the contact tab at the top of my website, and I will autograph, and ship to you within the U.S. 

I continue to write daily, and to work on my 3rd book.  Wrapping my head and heart around this collection has been a bit of a challenge. Being a bit of a perfectionist doesn't help either! I'll know when it's right, and until then I will take my time. 

The best to you, enjoy the beautiful spring colors, and I'll see you next time. 


* poets.org

Posted on March 30, 2016 .

Magically Delicious March


Welcome to the lucky charms of the month. Very special indeed! 

I hope that you and yours have been in good health and thriving since my last blog post.  Spring has sprung, and has raised the spirits of many a reader and writer.  Step outside and make a little sunshine. 

Speaking of which, come see me! I will be participating in "Four Minutes of Fame" sponsored by the "Write on the River" organization.  Come hear local authors read their work, from many genres, including  screenplays, romance, memoirs, fantasy, young adult, and of course poetry. This event will be held this Thursday, March 10th, at 6:30 P.M. at the Mile Post 111 Brewing Company in Cashmere WA.  407 Applets Way. I look forward to seeing you!

Next month I will be participating in “Wenatchee First Fridays Arts Walk.”

Wenatchee First Fridays” presents monthly self-guided tours of Wenatchee’s Arts Scene.  This event samples local Visual, Performing, Literary and Culinary Arts events in galleries, shops, studios, streets, museum, theaters, churches, artisan markets and coffee houses. Hours are from 5:00 - 8:00 P.M. Friday, April 1st, I will be at the Wenatchee Book Company, located at 11 Palouse St, Wenatchee Wa. for book sales, signing, and reading. There will be a drawing for books, and gift cards. Come see me, and join in on the fun.



April is “National Poetry Month” This year marks the 20th anniversary, which was inaugurated by the Academy of American Poets in 1996. Throughout this month there will be many events and celebrations to further the awareness of one of the most loved arts. There is one event I love to participate in every year.  I will talk more about various opportunities to celebrate next month; but here is your homework until then. Find a poem you love, write a poem, steal a poem, whatever. Hang onto it and I will tell you what you're going to do with it in a few weeks. More to come on this next month!

Until next time, have a delectable month!

Posted on March 1, 2016 .

Jeweled January

Happy crystalized, sparkling January to you!

We've had quite the winter season thus far. There has been more snow removal in my life than writing. Take a look for yourself!

Photo compliments of the operator and photographer Craig Weeks

Photo compliments of the operator and photographer Craig Weeks

Taken by Craig Weeks

Taken by Craig Weeks

Taken by Craig Weeks

Taken by Craig Weeks

As a matter of fact we've had so much snow, the deer visit my yard daily to eat all the bird seed. 

Maybe if I hold real still, she won't see me. 

Maybe if I hold real still, she won't see me. 

One piece of very exciting news.....I will be a grandmother again for the 5th time!  My daughter Sabyl is pregnant with my next granddaughter. Can't wait to meet her!



Look at those long legs. She's going to be a tall one, just like the rest of us.

Look at those long legs. She's going to be a tall one, just like the rest of us.

Last month I had a contest with my readers, challenging them to write a triolet of their own to win an autographed copy of one of my books. First five to submit won. Congratulations to Sabrina Johnson, Lowell Brown, Denise Harvey, Jerry Robbins, and Bonnie Marie! Your signed copies of your book of choice are in the mail!

It takes a brave soul to put yourself out there and share your craft with others. I think this is especially true with poetry, as it's such a personal art. So kudos to those who are willing to knock down the walls. 

Speaking of which, I'd like to share a poem with you from a very talented writer. He has submitted previously, and now we have another lovely piece. Enjoy, and thank you Bob!

"An Awakening" © Bob Lam

I am stone
Slowly eroding away
Or am I the tree
Bending in the wind
Each moment
I decide

To my teacher followers, are there ways you can share poetry with your students? Yes!  Please take a peak at this link. This is one idea on how to incorporate poetry in school.

Teachers and Students 

Until next time, may the power of books be front and center in your life. 



Posted on January 27, 2016 .

Napping November to Daring December

Tada! It's December, how did this happen? 

I come to you today hoping all is well with you, and those you love. 

November proved to be a sleepy lullaby for me. Tucked away in the warmth next to a cozy fire, away from the snow, I write. I find that inclement weather is the perfect time to let the mind roam, muse, and put it all to paper.  

Today I'd like to share a little about a form of poetry, which you will see in my next book. It has quickly become one of my favorite forms of poetry.  Its origin is French, and it's called a Triolet. What is a triolet you ask?

As the The Academy of American Poets states, "The requirements of this fixed form are straightforward: the first line is repeated in the fourth and seventh lines; the second line is repeated in the final line. Thus, the poet writes only five original lines, giving the triolet a deceptively simple appearance.

French in origin, and likely dating to the thirteenth century, the triolet is a close cousin of the rondeau, another French verse form emphasizing repetition and rhyme. The earliest triolets were devotionals written by Patrick Carey, a seventeenth-century Benedictine monk. British poet Robert Bridges reintroduced the triolet to the English language, where it enjoyed a brief popularity among late-nineteenth-century British poets. Though some employed the triolet as a vehicle for light or humorous themes, Thomas Hardy recognized the possibilities for melancholy and seriousness, if the repetition could be skillfully employed to mark a shift in the meaning of repeated lines." 

Here is an example of a triolet which will be published in my next book.


Hunger Pains - Triolet

A slice of life is not enough.

It makes us weak and not so tough.

We crave more time with ones we love.

A slice of life is not enough.

We wake and blink and all has passed.

Oh why, this life, does go so fast.

A slice of life is not enough.

It makes us weak and not so tough.

Let's play a little game! Would you like to try writing a triolet? Write a triolet and send it to me using the contact tab at the top of my website. The first 5 who submit will win a free autographed book! Ready set go!

As always I give you a heartfelt thank you for your continued support!

Stay warm, healthy and happy!



Posted on December 3, 2015 .

Obtainable October


Thanks for sneaking in here and reading my blog.  It's the perfect time of year to snuggle in a warm blanket, curl up next to the fire, with your "special" cocoa and read. 

What are your favorite books lined up for the fall? Are you looking for ideas to broaden your poetry reading? Here are a couple titles you may enjoy. Obtain one that tickles your fancy. 

 E.E. Cummings - Selected Poems  He wrote one of my very fave poems "I Carry Your Heart With Me" 

 The Romantic Poets

In the late 1700's poetry moved away from the intellectualism of the Enlightenment and toward more emotional and natural themes. The major works of the movement’s five most famous poets — William Wordsworth, George Gordon Byron, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, William Blake, and John Keats are represented in this collection. 

Lest We Forget Life's Passion and Cut Both Ways  - Then of course there are my two books if you haven't had a chance to read them. 

Gift giving season is fast approaching. In a time of life when the pace of everything is running out of control, consider giving a book of poetry to calm the soul.

I'm excited to announce that I have been asked to submit several of my poems to be published in an anthology by another well known writer in the near future. The collections of poems will have a theme of erotic/romantic genre. More to come on that as it unfolds!

I continue to write and work on my third book which will be focusing on micro poetry.  Specifically, various forms of Japanese and French origin works. I'm really having fun with it! 

What is Japanese poetry?  One of its many forms is called a Haiku. It's often the form most widely used for teaching purposes in school.  A Haiku is a poem of seventeen syllables, in three lines.  The first line has five, second line seven, and third line five; traditionally evoking images of the natural world.  The characteristics of a Haiku focus on nature, usually using a seasonal type word allowing the reader to know what time of year it is.  There is a division, focusing on one thought and then another, but the relationship between theses two are sometimes surprising!  The poet will also describe images using at least one of five senses. Give it a try! You may be a natural.  I'd love to hear from you. If you'd like me to showcase your work, use the contact link to submit.  

Here is an example of one I wrote recently:

Diamonds - Haiku

Ceiling of starlight

Glittering shadows on me

Twilight in secret

©PS Rowland

On a personal note, did I tell you I saw my favorite music artist in the whole world?! YES Keith Urban! We were so close I could touch him, but since I didn't feel like going to jail that night I refrained. 

Yes, that's right he looked at me :)))))

Yes, that's right he looked at me :)))))

Very talented, humble, kind, and down to earth artist. Best concert ever. 

Very talented, humble, kind, and down to earth artist. Best concert ever. 

Until we meet again, stay warm, happy, true to yourself and read!

Leaving you with another Haiku:


Falls Rainbow - Haiku

Green, orange, red and brown

Fiery beauty displayed

Melting to the ground

©PS Rowland




Posted on October 29, 2015 .

September Shivers

The heat is on and I'm talking more than the summer temps. For the last month we have been living "The Fire Storm".  The entire state of Washington has been attacked, and our area particularly. I evacuated for a week. Breathing was impossible due to the thick smoke.  My home and family are now safe, and we didn't suffer any loss.

According to the Okanogan County Emergency Management, We have a current estimate of 505,369.13 acres of burned land in Okanogan county. Among all the lost homes, outbuildings, cabins, and fencing, a significant amount of wild habitat, rangeland, and farmland has also been damaged. 

From my deck. We live on a ledge and can usually see the entire town.

From my deck. We live on a ledge and can usually see the entire town.

Prisoner in my own home the day before evacuating 

Prisoner in my own home the day before evacuating 

Fighting the fire, dropping fire retardant.

Fighting the fire, dropping fire retardant.

I've also enjoyed doing some of my most FAVE things, which is spending time with family and friends, in various activities. 



In the writer and poets world-

The Academy of American Poets is pleased to announce the winner of the 2015 American Poets Prize -

Joy Harjo has received the WALLACE STEVENS AWARD, which is given annually to recognize outstanding and proven mastery in the art of poetry. Established in 1994, the award carries a stipend of $100,000. Recipients are nominated and elected by a majority vote of the Academy’s Board of Chancellors.

With summer coming to a close I will be devoting more time to events, around the area including several book signings. Stay tuned for dates. Would love to see you!

I continue to write daily, and thoughts of my third book are forming. Here's a poem being considered for that volume.


Ame Soeur

In the darkness of my self pity you shine a dream I wait to come true.  In my uncertainty and worry of all the little and unknown factors, you supply the stable ground calming my soul.  In the terror that comes in the night, you take control of my breathing, and ease my anxiety.  In my inner turmoil though unspoken, you see it in my eyes, and sense it in my movements, and won't let another moment pass until you make me whole again.  I hope I never lose sight of who you are to me. For you are my soulmate. 


I so appreciate all of you, and your support and followings on FB, Twitter etc. It's been very nice getting to know some of you, and I really appreciate the feedback. 

Until next time, keep reading! And if you are a poet, I would love to read your work and showcase it here.


Posted on September 14, 2015 .

August Activities

Hello Sunshines!

Coming to you today, with coffee in hand, spring in my step, and twinkle in my eye. What that means is a lot of ink is prettying up my paper... my fave thing to do. I've been trying to perfect several of the Japanese forms of poetry, for which I believe my next book will be all about. :)

August has turned into a very action packed month for me, and it's only begun! Here are a few highlights, which started the end of July.

I had a fun time at the local Farmers Market. What started out as a beautiful sunny day, soon turned into a crazy thunder and lightening rain storm, so we had to dash!

I attended a concert to see James Otto and his opening act, Zach Hinson. Fantastic show, and had the privilege of meeting them both. 

Brian, Pam, James Otto, Craig

Brian, Pam, James Otto, Craig

Pam, Zach, Tracey

Pam, Zach, Tracey



I even had so save a baby quail from my cat! Bad kitty.




We took a week long bike trip with friends, which provided MUCH needed comedy relief, and relaxation. We toured around the beautiful Olympic Peninsula, took a ferry from Port Townsend to Coupeville, then off to LaConner, Burlington, Mt Vernon and back home over the scenic NorthCascades Hwy. 

Pam, Joy, Brian

Pam, Joy, Brian

Craig, Joy, Pam, Brian

Craig, Joy, Pam, Brian

The Green Lantern

The Green Lantern

Hanging with the gang

Hanging with the gang

The "Twins" Craig and Pam

The "Twins" Craig and Pam

A beautiful trip in every aspect. 

A beautiful trip in every aspect. 



We've been in the triple digits for a few months now, which has caused a lot of fires. Here are pictures of our boating trip at Omak Lake last weekend.



Of course for me it all comes back to reading and writing. I see a poem or a story in everything my senses take in. 


I like to support other writers as well. So please enjoy the following poem written by Rob Lam, from Seattle WA. He started writing poetry in high school, stopped in his 30's, and now is writing again thanks to the support and encouragement of his girlfriend. He's written over a 100 poems, and a short story.  Enjoy -



I walk in the room
I own the place
The person I show
Is not my true face
Alone in my head
My voices and me
You only see
Who I want you to see
I'm not fragile
I'm not fragile
My heart is empty
And cold
They see me as happy
And easily pleased
Will they still say that
When I fall to my knees?
Sometimes I feel 
Alone with my fear
The clambering committee
Only I hear
Still trying
I'm not fragile
Still fighting
I'm not fragile
My heart is battered
And bruised
Now that I've told you
About the real me
Know I'm not yet
The man I'm going to be
All of the pain 
Love that I've lost
To be who I am now
Was worth all the cost
I'm learning
Yes I'm fragile
I'm accepting
That I'm fragile
My true face
I'm ready to show


Until next time, keep reading, and I'd love for you to write a review on Amazon if you've read my books!



Posted on August 5, 2015 .

Farmers Market This Saturday July 11th.


I will be participating in the Okanogan Farmers Market this Saturday July 11, 2015. from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. I will have books available, and would love to sign one just for you. Stop by and say hi.

Joining me will be another local author Marian Adams. 

Posted on July 7, 2015 .