Guest Post - Poetry by Rob Lam

Dedicated to those of you going through challenging times. May this help.

The Hole

Black skies
   Pouring rain
   Expose my soul
   Shed my skin
   Your illusion

Posted on October 5, 2016 .

Septembers Sunshine

Hello readers and writers;

Evenings are getting cooler but the warmth and love from the sun still caress our souls here in Eastern WA. Summer is coming to an end, but activities in life and work continue to keep me busy. 

A couple of weeks ago as previously mentioned, I participated in Wenatchee's First Friday, at The Wenatchee Book Company.  It delivered a fun filled evening with wonderful people, and new found friends. I shared the spotlight with another author, Julie Zielinnski, and artist, Donnie Johnson. If you've never attended the Wenatchee First Friday Art Walk, you're missing out. Check it out soon!


P.S. Rowland and Julie Zielinski

P.S. Rowland and Julie Zielinski

I also managed to get in a motorcycle trip over the holiday weekend, to enjoy wine tasting in Canada, traveling from Osoyoos to Kelowna B.C. 

Of course my post would not be complete (haha) without a picture of my latest grandchild, and how quickly she is growing!

Miss Harlow Rain - Love her CRAZY hair.

Miss Harlow Rain - Love her CRAZY hair.


Many of you have asked if I would be hosting a signing, for the Erotic Anthology I was recently published in, entitled SkinOnSkin. Unfortunately no; I won't be receiving stock to have on hand for this purpose since I was not the author who put the collection together. However, I'd be happy to sign your copy once you've purchased on Amazon. Contact me via this website and I'd be happy to sign your copy if possible. Thank you!

Recently I had a conversation, and was asked by another writer how important I felt "form" was when writing poetry. Answer: That's up to you, there are no rules, it's your art. In older times it was more prevalent, and now it is much less so. However, if you're learning, and want to improve your craft, writing in form can be very beneficial. There's an excellent article by Rebecca Hazleton entitled Why Write in Form  I think you'll find this very helpful.

This month we have a special treat from Rob Lam, a very talented writer/poet. Thank you for your submission. I'd love to hear from other writers who'd like to see their work showcased here.


Heart, mind, body

Delicately balanced

No master, no slave

Each yearning for Truth


Joy, sorrow, love, pain

From birth to death

None are excused

From the Human condition


Our purpose to illuminate

The One Consciousness

The Heavenly Host

The One Human



Knowing, touching, feeling

An unseen world

In True Balance


Unconditional Love


As fall progresses may you enjoy the abundance of beauty all around you in living color.  

Until next time, be happy!





Posted on September 20, 2016 .

Wenatchee's First Friday Art Walk

Hello Everyone - 

I was asked to participate once again in Wenatchee's First Friday Art Walk. Pop in and see me. I would love to visit, and sign a book for you! Another author Julie Zielinski will be joining me. 

I will be at Wenatchee Book Co. 11 Palouse St. Wenatchee WA. on September 2, 2016 From 5:00 - 8:00 P.M. See you then!

Posted on August 31, 2016 .

Erotic Anthology

I was asked to submit a few of my poems for consideration for an anthology back in 2013. I'm excited to announce, several of my poems have been selected to be published in this soon to be released collection entitled "SkinOnSkin An Anthology of Erotic Poetry" It will be released on September 5, 2016! You may pre-order now!

SkinOnSkin An Anthology of Erotic Poetry


Posted on August 22, 2016 .

Jazzy July


I hope this blog update finds you all happy, sassy, and well. 

Last month we talked about goals. I hope you set a few, and were a little more realistic and strict with yourself than I was. The editing process is long and tedious, and yet rewarding in the end. I've received so much positive feedback, and good direction from other editors. Moving forward!

The current news in my craft is that  poetry is trending in contemporary art. Love this! A piece of picture art can tell such a beautiful story. This falls in line with the form of Japanese poetry I have currently been crafting - Haiga.

Haiga is a style of visual art that incorporates the haiku form. Traditionally this form combines calligraphy with paintings. In more modern times, artists are often incorporating photography and graphic design. I see a book of Haiga in my future writings. 

Amongst my goal oriented writers life, I managed to fit in a little fun. My newest grandchild is growing by leaps and bounds.

Harlow Rain

Harlow Rain

I had a little summer fun already with my other granddaughters, boating, biking and roasting marshmallows. 

My mini me biker babe Adriannah

My mini me biker babe Adriannah

Goof balls Maizy Pepper, and Tiera Genesis

Goof balls Maizy Pepper, and Tiera Genesis

I hope you too are enjoying your summer, life, and your loved ones. Cherish it all!  Until next time, read, write and be happy. 




Posted on August 3, 2016 .

Jumping June


I'm jumping right in, setting goals in terms of writing, and fitting it in around the rest of my life for the upcoming busy summer months.

I've scheduled the morning hours at my desk to edit until the editing is done! I will then start editing again, until I am satisfied. At that  point my manuscript will be sent to my editor for further editing.  Do you get the point? Writing involves a lot of editing! 
I will unplug from all electronic devices except my Mac, which of course I need to work. No social media, no phone calls, no messaging - just editing. 

What are your thoughts focused on this month? What do you hope to achieve?  What are your goals?
1) Define them/Write them down.
2) When are you going to achieve them?
3) How are you going to achieve them?

Let me know of all your accomplishments.

I apologize for not making an appearance at Art in the Park this past weekend as advertised! I was called out of town to watch my 5th grandchild enter the world. I'd like to thank you all for your support of my booth, and book sales even though I was missing!

June 14, 2016 on her mothers birthday, Harlow Rain blessed us. Weighing in at 8lbs, and 20" long. 

She loves her grandma, and I love her!

She loves her grandma, and I love her!

Big sister Adriannah, so in awe of Harlow

Big sister Adriannah, so in awe of Harlow

I hope each and every one of you are expanding your horizons, spreading your wings with poetry.  A daily dose is always good for the soul. If you follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, or Instagram, you can read poetry daily.  Links to my social media are located at the bottom on the main "Welcome" page of this website.  Follow me!

There's an app for that! The Poetry Foundation has an app for your daily dose as well. 

Stay focused on your goals.

Stay focused on your goals.

Wishing you all, the very best! Keep those pages turning!

Posted on June 21, 2016 .

Art In The Park - June 17, 18, 2016

Hello All!

The 42nd annual Art in the Park is right around the corner. June, 17, 18, 2016

I will be participating in this event, at Omak Civic League Park, sponsored by Omak Kiwanis and Artists’ of the Okanogan. Art in the Park will showcase the best contemporary fine art and craft from around the Pacific Northwest. 

Approximately 100 artists will fill the Civic League Park, downtown Omak’s premiere outdoor venue with an outdoor art exhibition that has been a community event for 42 years. Artists are selected on the basis of quality, originality, and craftsmanship by a panel of jurors. 

I will have special event pricing for my books, and of course autographed! Pop on down, say "hey", and enjoy the events!

Look forward to seeing you!

Posted on June 2, 2016 .

Poems Submitted by Bob Lam

I wish you could see me
The golden haired Prince
Shining in the light
Of the morning sun

I wish you could see me
Grown to manhood
Brightly illuminated
By the noon day sun

Now you see me
Battered and bruised
Shadows playing
In the fading sun



My mind, my enemy,
waging war.
My heart, my champion,
hero of my soul.
Devious mind
firing its' arrows.
Pain, sorrow,
and loss.
The heart never wavers,
shielded by hope, kindness,
and love.
The struggle eternal,
the war wages on.
My mind, my enemy
My heart, my guardian
My soul.


Thank you Bob for being so brave!

Posted on May 26, 2016 .

Marvelous May

Well, as it turns out, April showers does indeed bring May flowers!

My yard is bursting with color. Which makes it pretty wonderful to sit outside and write. My favorite office is right on my deck. 

Inquiring minds want to know how my next book is coming along. This month I've been busy with poem selection. Hours and hours, page by page, poem by poem; it's a tedious process. I also have several beta readers providing macro editing, and so the process begins. It takes time, and I'm in no rush. To be honest, it's not my favorite part of being a writer. I'd like to write, and have someone snatch it all out of my head, and then voila, it's a book! I push forward.

So tell me, how was Poem in Your Pocket Day? Did you have fun sharing a piece with others? I would love to hear your feedback. I share every day on several social media sites, however it was fun to have one tucked in my pocket and ready to share with others. 

I want to thank all of you who took advantage of the special pricing last month on my books due to National Poetry Month! It was a pleasure learning your names, and writing a little something for you. Enjoy, and again, thank you. 

Earlier this month I participated in "Wenatchee's First Fridays" - A guided tour of Wenatchee's Arts Scene. We had so much fun! 

Wenatchee Book Co. is a beautiful treasure. A special thanks to AnaMaree and Payton for having me.

This weekend I will be attending the Write On the River Conference in Wenatchee WA. It's always a WONDERFUL time. I'm really looking forward to it. 

My fifth grand baby is getting closer to her arrival. I can't wait to meet Harlow Rain! We had a fabulous baby shower the end of April, and a photo shoot of the family the following day. Very excited!

My other granddaughters are heavily into volleyball and soccer, so I'm sure next months blog will host a few pictures of those activities. 

"Just keep reading, just keep reading, just keep reading" 

Until next time I wish you all the best!



Posted on May 10, 2016 .

Appreciative April

Happy spring to all!

April is the month to appreciate the gift of poetry. April marks the 20th anniversary of National Poetry Month, which was initiated by the Academy of American Poets in 1996. Over the years, National Poetry Month has become the largest literary celebration in the world with schools, publishers, libraries, booksellers and poets celebrating poetry's vital place in our culture. * 

There are many ways to participate. Here are just a few:

  • Follow the thousands of National Poetry Month celebrations taking place using #npm16 and follow the Academy of American Poets on Twitter @POETSorg.
  • Use the new National Poetry Month logo to promote your events. It can be downloaded here.
  • Order a free National Poetry Month poster and display it proudly.
  • Invite K-12 students to participate in our Dear Poet project by writing letters in response to poems shared by the award-winning poets serving on our Board of Chancellors.
  • Attend Poetry & the Creative Mind, a celebration of poetry from the reader’s perspective featuring leading and luminary actors, artists, and public figures, on April 27, 2016, in New York City.
  • Participate in National Poem in Your Pocket Day on April 21, 2016.

Last month I asked you to select a poem that you liked, and to hang onto it. Did you find one? The reason for my request is because April 21, is "Poem in Your Pocket day"

Every April, on Poem in Your Pocket Day, people celebrate by selecting a poem, carrying it with them, and sharing it with others throughout the day at schools, bookstores, libraries, parks, workplaces, and on Twitter using the hashtag #pocketpoem. 

Poem in Your Pocket Day was originally initiated in 2002 by the Office of the Mayor, in partnership with the New York City Departments of Cultural Affairs and Education, as part of the city’s National Poetry Month celebration. In 2008, the Academy of American Poets made the initiative national, encouraging individuals across the country to join in and channel their inner bard.* 

Pick a poem for the day, and slip it in your picket, and take every opportunity throughout the day to share with someone. Enjoy and have fun! 

Last month I participated in "Four Minutes of Fame" sponsored by Write on The River. I had a fabulous time with good food and drink, and great association with fellow writers. It was wonderful to see, and hear such a variety of genre read aloud for everyone's enjoyment. 

Another highlight of my month was watching one of my granddaughters, "Tiera" play clarinet in her first 6th grade concert. She did beautifully!

Tiera standing playing clarinet

Tiera standing playing clarinet.

In harmony with National Poetry Month, I will be offering Lest We Forget Life's Passion and Cut Both Ways at a discounted price for only $10 each. Please message me with your requests, using the contact tab at the top of my website, and I will autograph, and ship to you within the U.S. 

I continue to write daily, and to work on my 3rd book.  Wrapping my head and heart around this collection has been a bit of a challenge. Being a bit of a perfectionist doesn't help either! I'll know when it's right, and until then I will take my time. 

The best to you, enjoy the beautiful spring colors, and I'll see you next time. 



Posted on March 30, 2016 .